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Page 34

  "All right, Adrianna, not only do your parents have to sign papers, but so do you."

  Konstantin handed me a stack of papers and explained each one.

  "The first is your commitment to the gym, your oath to train hard and give one hundred and fifty percent, and to not quit, not that I expect you to. However, should you decide to end your time here at World Cup before the year is over, there will be a hefty fee charged to your parents, just like I do with every teammate. I am sure you know that this isn't an easy gym to get into which is why the need for this obligation. This agreement is renewed every year."

  Just as I was about to press the pen down to sign my name, naturally Mom had to get her two cents in.

  "Ana, we're putting out a lot of money for you to be here. I'm sure more than most parents would. We know you're responsible and trust that you do the right thing. Your father and I would be pretty upset if we had to pay an unnecessary fee on top of it all," she warned with glaring eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

  "More than anything in the world," I mumbled under my breath. If she wanted to test my commitment at the eleventh hour, she could throw any doubts out the window. I was looking my dream straight in the face, and a few more documents to sign weren’t going to get between me and my goals.

  "Anything?" Her voice heightened her question.

  "She gets it, Joy," Dad said, and then gave me a smile that said he was satisfied with my answer.

  For whatever reason, my mom pushed me so hard over just about everything. It was disconcerting and I wished she'd back off and just encourage me instead.

  Dad understood my dedication because he was the same way. Once we found something that we put all our sweat and blood into, there was no going back. Our devotion drove us.

  "All right, the next document states that you will not date anyone while you're under my authority and training," Konstantin said, eyeing me as he slid it across his desk. Was he for real? I'd never heard of a coach doing this before.

  Who had time for a boyfriend anyway?

  "I know it sounds juvenile, but this is actually a very important piece of paper that you're signing. I do not need you to end up losing your focus. Then you'll be skipping practices and pissing me off. It could ruin your career and it will only waste my time. My time is precious. I expect–and deserve–your focus and determination, not anyone else."

  "I understand." And I did. I came here to train after all, not to look for a boyfriend.

  I scribbled my name without reading and pushed it back. Konstantin's eyes meet mine and held my gaze. "You should always read the fine print before you sign anything," he said quietly, sounding disappointed.

  My stomach dropped, my heart began to pound with worry that I did something wrong. Was there something I wasn't aware of in that stupid no-boyfriend clause?

  He peered down at my signature, his eyes moving as he read. "Right here states," he said, pointing, "that you will be under my supervision during gym time." Konstantin handed a paper to my father and said, "This is basically the same agreement I gave your daughter. Since she is fifteen and with no real parental guidance, this states that she will be under the supervision of World Cup while training here. Anything that she does after she steps out of the gym is not my responsibility, therefore I will not be held accountable for her actions, or World Cup. All the gymnasts living on their own while training here must sign it."

  Dad read over it silently for a few minutes, then looked at me and said in an unyielding voice, "I hope you realize how much faith and trust we're putting in you to be responsible, young lady. This is no joke."

  Wide eyed, I nodded. "I understand completely, Dad." He signed the agreement and Konstantin stacked them all together, paper clipping and setting aside. Sitting back, he crossed his arms firmly across his chest and looked directly at me.

  Kova leaned back in his leather chair and relaxed, folding his hands together in his lap. "My training is unconventional, it is tough and brutal. There will be days when you won't even be able to stand the sight of me. It is intense and exhausting. I am not here to be your friend, I am not here to pat your back when times get rough, I am not here to coddle you. I am here to be your coach and help get you to the next level. I come from Russia with some of the strictest coaching around. I have learned from the best, and just because you are your father's daughter does not mean I will go easy on you. You will forget everything you were taught in the past and relearn through me. I will give you all the possible means you need, but it is up to you to dig deep and be the athlete you want to become. You must have the drive and the passion in order to go places. I am just here to guide you down that path and show you your capability." He paused. "This, Adrianna, is your chance to leave. I can rip up these papers and you all can go home."

  I looked at Konstantin and realized two things: He didn't use many contractions, and that I was about to get my ass handed to me.

  "I'm not leaving."

  The wicked smile that slid across his face nearly knocked the wind out of me. "Well, that wraps up all the necessary formalities. If you would like, I can show you around the gym now?"


  Normally when I sit down to write this, I always ask myself…where do I start. Well, for this one, I don’t need to ask that. I know exactly where it starts. Abby…no lie. This book would have never been finished without you! Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support!

  Steph, I think my new favorite part of writing is getting your notes. I love them! You’re many alternatives to “barf” could possibly come in handy some day.

  Marlo…my Lobs! Don’t worry, one day you’ll get to hear all about Mike and Shari LOL!

  Kristie—I freaking love the crap outta you!

  Sarah, I love your feedback. They are some of the best texts I get from you. (See…I didn’t forget you this time.)

  Shari, you make me a better writer, and I love you for that!

  Lauren…swapping chapters was the smartest thing I ever came up with! LOL!! Love you so much! #POS4eva!

  Joy, you keep my head on straight! You rock!

  Josie…sorry this one was such a mess haha. But no lie, you have a way of making me sound good. Best editor EVER!

  My family…wow! Can’t believe we’ve done this now for seven books! Hey Babe, you should create an algorithm for this. I can’t thank you all enough for your support.

  About the Author

  Leddy Harper had to use her imagination often as a child. She grew up the only girl in a house full of boys. At the age of fourteen, she decided to use that imagination and wrote her first book, and never stopped. She often calls writing her therapy, using it as a way to deal with issues through the eyes of her characters.

  She is now a mother of three girls, leaving her husband as the only man in a house full of females. The decision to publish her first book was made as a way of showing her children to go after whatever it is they want to. Love what you do and do it well. And to teach them what it means to overcome their fears.

  Contact Leddy at:


  Leddy Harper

  [email protected]

  Also by Leddy Harper

  Home No More


  My Biggest Mistake

  Falling to Pieces

  Take Your Time


  Hindsight (with Marlo Williams)

  The Power of a Woman (with Gina Whitney)